Building a model system for development of enhanced biohydrogen production
Patrik R. Jones
Asian Biohydrogen Symposium
Microbial fermentation is a potentially promising method for renewable production of hydrogen. A major factor currently limiting commercial viability of hydrogen production is poor stoichiometric yield per
mole of sugar. Although several approaches have been tried to enhance microbial hydrogen productivity, genetic engineering technologies for most promising microorganisms are either unavailable or severely
limited. Engineering of native H2-producing microorganisms is further limited by narrow or undefined substrate specificities and directionalities of most endogenous H2-pathways, setting an upper absolute
limit to achievable H2-yield well below theoretical potential. An alternative approach instead is to choose an engineerable host, without regard for native H2-synthesis capabilities. Hydrogenases and
pathways channelling electrons between carbon catabolism and hydrogenases therefore need to be introduced. However, mere introduction of new pathways is unlikely to be sufficient, as native host metabolism
also will have to be engineered to favour the new pathways. Ultimately, we envision the following five-step process in order to generate H2-producing strains with a production capability that is superior
to existing genetically unmodified strains;
(i) Introduction of recombinant hydrogenases, (ii) Introduction of recombinant oxidoreductases and electron acceptor/donors, (iii) Modification of native
metabolism to redirect flux through introduced pathways, (iv) Combination of multiple pathways and engineering strategies for redirecting native metabolism, and (v) Transfer to alternative hosts or additional
modifications to convert laboratory model strains to industrially applicable strains.
I present a review of current work in my group aimed at developing a model system for improving microbial H2-production
by genetic engineering based on the above principles. This includes the description of an experimental verification of thermodynamic limits imposed upon synthetic NAD(P)H:H2-pathways and a novel approach
for enhancing hydrogenase activity and hydrogen production in the presence of oxygen.
Modular architecture of protein structures and allosteric communications: potential implications to signaling proteins and regulatory linkages
Antonio del Sol1
5th European Conference on Computational Biology
In recent years, the number of proteins displaying modular allosteric mechanisms has grown. The modular configuration allows signaling proteins to generate new regulatory linkages. We show that protein domains consist of modules interconnected by residues, which mediate signaling through the shortest pathways. The mediating residues tend to be located at the inter-modular boundaries. The boundaries are more rigid and display a larger number of long-range interactions compared to intra-modular regions. Our approach relies on a representation of protein structures as residue interacting networks, and removal of the most central residue contacts, which are assumed to be crucial for the allosteric communications. The analysis of 13 allosteric proteins unveiled that modules characterize experimentally identified functional regions. Based on the study of an additional functionally-annotated dataset of 115 proteins, we propose that high modularity modules include functional sites and are the basic functional units. We provide examples (the G subunit and Cytochrome P450eryF) illustrating that the modular architecture of active sites is linked to their functional specialization. A modular configuration is advantageous: it would allow signaling proteins to expand their regulatory linkages and may elicit a broader range of control mechanisms either via modular combinations or through modulations of inter-modular linkages.
Monitoring Antigen-Antibody Interactions on Self-Assembly Derived Large-Area Nanopatterned Surfaces.
S. Krishnamoorthy
NSTI Nanotech 2007 (Poster Presentation)
Nanopatterning, in addition to offering possibilities for device miniaturization also brings in novel capabilities due to confinement effects arising at small dimension. Confinement effects have been noted for instance in tunability of surface plasmon absorbance of nanoparticles, and in increased reaction rates within zeolite channels. Here, we explore nanopatterning as a means of enhancing the orientation of antibodies on the surface seeking to achieve a higher efficiency in sensing antigen-antibody interactions in on-chip biosensors. We present the formation of nanopatterns over a large area on gold surfaces, confirming their formation and homogeneity using atomic force microscopy friction force measurements, X-ray photoelectron and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopies. The patterns consist of circular patches of a carboxylic acid terminated self assembled monolayer in a protein repellent PEG matrix. We present the first results showing enhanced antigen binding capacity of nanopatterned surfaces by monitoring the binding interactions using surface plasmon resonance.
Multifunctional Bio-Nano Patterns Derived from Colloidal Self-Assembly as Model Surfaces to Study Antigen-Antibody Interactions.
S. Krishnamoorthy
NSTI Nanotech 2007 (Oral Presentation)
Nanosphere lithography (NSL) has become a popular tool as a patterning technique recently because the method is cheap and involves extremely simple procedures compared with other nanopatterning techniques. NSL can also be applied to a wide range of organic and inorganic materials. If combined with selective self-assembly of organic monolayers, NSL provides a feasible tool for the bio-functionalization of substrates as future biosensors or other bio-mimetic devices. This paper presents a simple and effective means of preparing nanopatterns made of organic self-assembled monolayers on large areas by means of NSL and exploring the capability of these surfaces for oriented immobilization of antibodies. The activity of antibodies on the chemically patterned surface is compared with their un-structured counterparts, and the influence of surface topography and chemistry on the activity of the surfaces towards ELISA assays is presented. The antibody immobilization, orientation and the surface activity were followed using UV/visible, FT-IR, and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopies.
菊池 等
HBcrAgはHBeAg、HBcAg及びHBVプレコア蛋白質の総称で、B型肝炎ウイルスの新たな増殖マーカーである。血中HBcrAgの測定は、ウイルス増殖能を反映し、病態把握や治療効果の判断指標として有用性が期待されている。今回、我々は全自動化学発光酵素免疫測定法を用いたルミパルスHBcrAgを開発したので、基礎的な試薬性能について報告する。 ルミパルスHBcrAgの基礎的な試薬性能は良好であり、今後のHBcrAg測定を必要とする症例に対して、有益な情報を提供できることが期待される。
Metabolic engineering of NAD(P)H-dependent H2 synthesis in Escherichia coli
Andrea Veit
Gordon Research Conference for Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Hydrogen is a promising energy carrier for both mobile and stationary applications in the future. H2 can be produced by micro organisms using biomass as a substrate. Fermentative H2 production is characterized by relatively poor yields per substrate and sensitivity to end-product accumulation. Although complete oxidation of glucose in theory yields 12 moles H2 per mole of glucose, only a maximum threshold of 4 moles of H2 is currently obtained by known pathways. Microbial H2 production with a yield above 4 H2 per mole of glucose has not yet been characterized to the stage that the process is understood. In our study we investigated the thermodynamic limitations of NAD(P)H dependent H2 synthesis and evaluated its potential for further engineering towards eventual commercial application. As micro-organisms with native NAD(P)H:H2 pathways are either not genetically tractable and/or contain multiple H2 synthesis/consumption pathways, we chose a novel approach: Instead of investigating H2 metabolism in a native H2 producing micro -organism, we engineered a synthetic H2 synthesis pathway consisting of a ferredoxin-dependent hydrogenase, three hydrogenase maturation factors, a [4Fe4S]-ferredoxin as intermediate electron acceptor/donor and ferredoxin-dependent oxidoreductases with defined specificity for either NADPH or NADH and NADPH. Co-expression of the pathway components in E. coli resulted in functional implementation of NADPH-dependent H2-synthesis. When the substrate specificity was extended to NADH under closed batch conditions only the reverse pathway, H2-consumption, was observed. By testing the thermodynamic limitations, we could show that nucleotide pyridine dependent H2 formation is highly sensitive to end-product accumulation.
Network robustness and modularity of protein structures in the identification of key residues for the allosteric communications
Antonio Del Sol
15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB)
We study an important topic in molecular biology (allosteric communications) and explore a relationship between protein architectural organization and shortcuts in signaling pathways. Allostery plays a crucial role in many cellular signaling processes. We propose a novel approach to modular decomposition of protein structures. Our method relies on the representation of protein structures as residue interacting networks, and removal of the most central residue contacts, which are assumed to be crucial for allosteric communications. We show that protein domains consist of modules interconnected by residues, which mediate signaling through the shortest pathways. The mediating residues tend to be located at the inter-modular boundaries. The boundaries are more rigid and display a larger number of long-range interactions compared to intra-modular regions. Our results illustrate that modules constitute the building blocks of domains. The analysis of allosteric proteins revealed that modules characterize experimentally identified functional regions. Based on the study of an additional dataset of proteins, we propose that high modularity modules include functional sites and are the basic functional units. Thus, our methodology constitutes a new way of predicting functional sites based on the analysis of protein topology, and it can complement previous studies on this matter.
Modulating expression of the E. coli Isc-operon enhances Fe-Fe hydrogenase activity in the presence of oxygen
Mohammed Kalim Akhtar
The 8th International Hydrogenase Conference
For the majority of known Fe-only hydrogenases, assembly and insertion of as many as five Fe-S clusters are required to ensure functional activity. Considering the unusually high demand of Fe-S clusters for the synthesis of C. acetobutylicum HydA, we speculated whether Fe-S cluster synthesis and assembly limited the ability of E. coli to synthesize active HydA. To test this hypothesis, the gene products of the isc operon, (IscS, IscU, IscA, HscA, HscB and Fdx) were overexpressed by plasmid-based induction or chromosomal in-frame deletion of the Isc transcriptional regulator, IscR. A 2- to 9- fold reduction in specific HydA activity was observed under strictly anoxic conditions with Isc overexpression. In contrast, under partially oxic conditions, the specific and total activity of Fe-only hydrogenase was increased by 5- and 65-fold, respectively, with a concomitant 3- to 18-fold increase in HydA protein yields. Given the vulnerability of Fe-S clusters toward oxidative damage, the enhanced effect, observed under oxic conditions, with Isc coexpression strongly suggests the possibility of a repair-mediated effect of the ISC machinery. Such a proposed role of the ISC machinery is currently under investigation. Furthermore, these findings also demonstrate an alternative strategy in sustaining hydrogenase activity in an oxic environment.
Mechanisms of Sugar Utilization and Hydrogen Production by Methanogenic Archaea, Methanococcus maripaludis
Myong-Ok Park
15th Annual International Conference on Microbial Genomics.
Saccharolytic growth of methanogenic archaea has been little understood, so far, because their most common habitat can be found in symbiosis with glycolytic- and acido/hydrogenic- prokaryotes as a final electron acceptor in the microbial communities. Methanogenic archaea, Methanococcus maripaludis, which is known to utilize H2, formate, acetate or amino acids and to produce CH4, possesses a series of genes related to saccharolysis and glycolysis highly homologous to those counterparts in hyperthermophilic archaea. We found that M. maripaludis grows on glycogen, concomitantly with H2 production up to 0.14 moles H2/moles glucose equivalent but not by methane production. 33 mU mg-1 protein of glycosyl hydrolase activity, which was detected in crude an extracellular protein fraction, supports that this organism is capable of utilize glucose. Extensively, we also investigated metabolisms of a key intermediate of glycolysis, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P), in which large variations are observed in archaea. The genome sequence of M. maripaludis, contains three genes encoding enzymes (phosphorylating/non-phosphorylating G3P reductase (GAPDH, GAPN) and G3P: ferredoxin oxidoreductase (GAPOR) potentially capable of catalyzing G3P metabolism. By activity and transcript analysis of the G3P-metabolizing enzymes, we found that the activity of GAPOR was constitutive throughout the culture period and exceeded that of GAPDH and GAPN by at least a factor of 10. As GAPDH activity was only detected in the gluconeogenic direction, whilst GAPN-activity was completely absent, only mmGAPOR catalyzes oxidation of G3P in M. maripaludis. GAPOR, whose homologs have been mainly found in archaea, catalyzes the reduction of ferredoxin coupled with oxidation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate are also involved in metabolism of M. maripaludis. MmGAPOR therefore most likely does not exert any control over glycolytic flux in M. maripaludis in contrast to pfGAPOR in P. furiosus.