Antibody Nanopatterns on Gold Fabricated by Colloidal Lithography
シヴァシャンカ クリシュナムティ, ミハエル ヒンメルハウス
Sivashankar Krishnamoorthy, Michael Himmelhaus
平成19年度NPPP 実績報告書
装置利用 F産総 H19-129 p328-329
Colloidal lithography has been combined with self-assembled monolayer (SAM) technology and reactive ion etching (RIE) to achieve nanopatterns of antibodies embedded in a protein-resistant matrix on a continuous gold film. The activity and specificity of such patterns in view of their antigen binding capacity was studied by means of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and atomic force microscopy (AFM).
Detection of prion protein immune complex for bovine spongiform encephalopathy diagnosis using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy
1) 北海道大 2)富士レビオ株式会社
Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase from Methanococcus Maripaludis
Myong-Ok Park, Taeko Mizutani, and Patrik R. Jones
Journal of Bacteriology, Oct.2007, p.7281-7289
The genome sequence of the non-sugar assimilating mesophile, Methanococcus maripaludis, contains three genes encoding enzymes (GAPN, GAPDH, GAPOR) potentially capable of catalyzing glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
(G3P) metabolism, including a homolog of Pyrococcus furiosus G3P:ferredoxin-oxidoreductase (mmGAPOR). GAPOR, whose homologs have been mainly found in archaea, catalyzes the reduction of ferredoxin coupled
with oxidation of G3P. GAPOR has previously only been isolated and characterized from a sugar assimilating hyper-thermophile, Pyrococcus furiosus (pfGAPOR), and contains the rare metal tungsten as an
irreplaceable cofactor. Active recombinant GAPOR was purified from Escherichia coli grown in minimal medium containing 100 mM sodium molybdate. In contrast, mmGAPOR obtained from cells grown in W-, W
and Mo-containing media, and medium without added W and Mo did not display any activity. Activity and transcript analysis of putative G3P-metabolizing enzymes and corresponding genes was performed with
M. maripaludis cultured under autotrophic conditions in chemically defined medium.
The activity of GAPOR was constitutive throughout the culture period and exceeded that of GAPDH by a factor of 10.
As GAPDH activity only was detected in the gluconeogenic direction, whilst GAPN-activity was completely absent, only mmGAPOR catalyzes oxidation of G3P in M. maripaludis.
Recombinant mmGAPOR is post-transcriptionally
regulated as it exhibits pronounced and irreversible substrate inhibition and is completely inhibited by 1 mM ATP. With support from flux balance analysis, it is concluded that the major physiological
role of GAPOR in M. maripaludis most likely will be under non-optimal growth condition
Current status and novel approaches for improving fermentative biomass-derived H2-production through genetic engineering of microbial metabolism
Patrik R. Jones
Asian Biohydrogen Symposium Compendium Nov 9, 2007 p.2-15
Microbial fermentation is a potentially promising method for renewable production of hydrogen. A major factor currently limiting commercial viability of hydrogen production is poor stoichiometric yield per
mole of sugar. Although several approaches have been tried to enhance microbial hydrogen productivity, genetic engineering technologies for most promising microorganisms are either unavailable or severely
Engineering of native H2-producing microorganisms is further limited by narrow or undefined substrate specificities and directionalities of most endogenousH2-pathways, setting an upper absolute
limit to achievable H2-yield well below theoretical potential. An alternative approach instead is to choose an engineerable host, without regard for native H2-synthesis capabilities. Hydrogenases and
pathways channelling electrons between carbon catabolism and hydrogenases therefore need to be introduced. However, mere introduction of new pathways is unlikely to be sufficient, as native host metabolism
also will have to be engineered to favour the new pathways. A brief review of the current status of biological H2-production is presented, with a focus on fermentative processes. Selected recent advances
are highlighted, including a summary of a research project following the abovementioned principles. The paper is concluded with a brief discussion on the potential role of computational modelling for
advancing H2-production by genetic engineering.
The Modular Organization of Domain Structures: Insights into Protein-Protein Binding.
Antonio del Sol, Pablo Carbonell.
PLoS Comput Biol. 2007 Dec 7;3(12):e239.
Domains are the building blocks of proteins and play a crucial role in protein-protein interactions. Here, we propose a new approach for the analysis and prediction of domain-domain interfaces. Our method,
which relies on the representation of domains as residue-interacting networks, finds an optimal decomposition of domain structures into modules.
The resulting modules comprise highly cooperative
residues, which exhibit few connections with other modules. We found that non-overlapping binding sites in a domain, involved in different domain-domain interactions, are generally contained in different
modules. This observation indicates that our modular decomposition is able to separate protein domains into regions with specialized functions. Our results show that modules with high modularity values
identify binding site regions, demonstrating the predictive character of modularity.
Furthermore, the combination of modularity with other characteristics, such as sequence conservation or surface
patches, was found to improve our predictions. In an attempt to give a physical interpretation to the modular architecture of domains, we analyzed in detail six examples of protein domains with available
experimental binding data. The modular configuration of the TEM1-beta-lactamase binding site illustrates the energetic independence of hotspots located in different modules and the cooperativity of those
sited within the same modules.
The energetic and structural cooperativity between intramodular residues is also clearly shown in the example of the chymotrypsin inhibitor, where non-binding site
residues have a synergistic effect on binding.
Interestingly, the binding site of the T cell receptor beta chain variable domain 2.1 is contained in one module, which includes structurally distant
hot regions displaying positive cooperativity.
These findings support the idea that modules possess certain functional and energetic independence. A modular organization of binding sites confers
robustness and flexibility to the performance of the functional activity, and facilitates the evolution of protein interactions.
Engineering of a synthetic hydF-hydE-hydG-hydA operon for biohydrogen production
M.Kalim Akhtar, Patrik R. Jones
Engineering microorganisms for enhanced H2-production requires introduction of new oxidoreductase:electron acceptor/donor:hydrogenase-pathways and multiple modifications to native host metabolism. As synthesis of active recombinant hydrogenases also is dependent upon coexpression of multiple maturation factors, we converged the individual hyd genes of Clostridium acetobutylicum in the form of a synthetic and extendable hydF-hydE-hydG-hydA operon. This framework is essential for introduction of the large number of heterolgous genes required to enhance biohydrogen production.
Characterization of cap-shaped silver particles for surface-enhanced fluorescence effects.
山口哲司, 彼谷高敏, 竹井弘之
Analytical Biochemistry Vol.364, Issue2, 171-179 2007 2007年5月号
Multifunctional Bio-Nano Patterns Derived from Colloidal Self-Assembly as Model Surfaces to Study Antigen-Antibody Interactions.
S. Krishnamoorthy, J. P. Wright, O. Worsfold, T. Fujii, M. Himmelhaus
Technical Proceedings of the 2007 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Nanotech 2007 Vol.4, 590-593
This paper presents a simple and effective means of preparing nanopatterns made of organic self-assembled monolayers on large surface areas by means of nanosphere lithography and exploring the capability of these patterns for immobilization of antibodies. The large pattern size allows for a detailed surface analysis via infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thereby revealing quality of the chemical patterns as well as allowing precise determination of the overall surface fraction of the functionalized patches. In a second step, the patterns are used for an in-situ surface plasmon resonance study on the physisorption of antibodies, followed by specific binding of antigens
Modular architecture of protein structures and allosteric communications: potential implications for signaling proteins and regulatory linkages
Del Sol A, Arauzo-Bravo MJ, Amoros D, Nussinov R
Genome biology 2007 May 25;8(5):R92
Allosteric communications are vital for cellular signaling. Here we explore a relationship between protein architectural organization and shortcuts in signaling pathways. RESULTS: We show that protein domains consist of modules interconnected by residues that mediate signaling through the shortest pathways. These mediating residues tend to be located at the inter-modular boundaries, which are more rigid and display a larger number of long-range interactions than intra-modular regions. The inter-modular boundaries contain most of the residues centrally conserved in the protein fold, which may be crucial for information transfer between amino acids. Our approach to modular decomposition relies on a representation of protein structures as residue-interacting networks, and removal of the most central residue contacts, which are assumed to be crucial for allosteric communications. The modular decomposition of 100 multi-domain protein structures indicates that modules constitute the building blocks of domains. The analysis of 13 allosteric proteins revealed that modules characterize experimentally identified functional regions. Based on the study of an additional functionally annotated dataset of 115 proteins, we propose that high-modularity modules include functional sites and are the basic functional units. We provide examples (the Galphas subunit and P450 cytochromes) to illustrate that the modular architecture of active sites is linked to their functional specialization. CONCLUSION: Our method decomposes protein structures into modules, allowing the study of signal transmission between functional sites. A modular configuration might be advantageous: it allows signaling proteins to expand their regulatory linkages and may elicit a broader range of control mechanisms either via modular combinations or through modulation of inter-modular linkages.
Ligand Binding and Circular Permutation Modify Residue Interaction. Network in DHFR.
Hu Z, Bowen D, Southerland WM, Del Sol A, Pan Y, Nussinov R, Ma B.
PLoS Computational Biology. 2007 Jun 15;3(6):e117
Residue interaction networks and loop motions are important for catalysis in dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). Here, we investigate the effects of ligand binding and chain connectivity on network communication in DHFR. We carry out systematic network analysis and molecular dynamics simulations of the native DHFR and 19 of its circularly permuted variants by breaking the chain connections in ten folding element regions and in nine nonfolding element regions as observed by experiment. Our studies suggest that chain cleavage in folding element areas may deactivate DHFR due to large perturbations in the network properties near the active site. The protein active site is near or coincides with residues through which the shortest paths in the residue interaction network tend to go. Further, our network analysis reveals that ligand binding has "network-bridging effects" on the DHFR structure. Our results suggest that ligand binding leads to a modification, with most of the interaction networks now passing through the cofactor, shortening the average shortest path. Ligand binding at the active site has profound effects on the network centrality, especially the closeness.
1)北海道赤十字血液センター 2)富士レビオ株式会社
日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 第53巻 第4号 467-472 2007年8月号
ルミパルスPrestoを用いた高感度ヒトパルボウイルスB19抗原検出試薬(CLEIA-B19抗原)の開発を行った。B19 DNA陽性パネル(n=152)をCLEIA-B19抗原で測定した結果、RHA法より4Log高感度であることがわかった。また20プールNAT陰性の671検体をCLEIA-B19抗原で測定した結果、1例のみ偽陽性となった。以上のことよりCLEIA-B19抗原は感度特異性に優れ、献血者B19スクリーニングに有用であると考えられた。
Electron microscopic estimation of removal of parvovirus B19(HPVB19) by nanofiltration with a novel filter membrane
山口和人1)、高橋寛彦2)、宮崎 孔子3)、池田久實3)、宮川英二4)
1) 山口大学大学院医学系研究科生命実験医学分野生命科学実験施設
2) たかはし小児科医院
3) 北海道赤十字血液センター
4) 富士レビオ株式会社
Journal of Membrane Science 298 (2007) 99-109