Inorganic Polyphosphate Interacts with Ribosomes and Promotes Translation Fidelity in vitro and in vivo
McInerney Peter, Mizutani Taeko, Shiba Toshikazu
Molecular microbiology Vol.60, No.2, 438-447 (2006)
大腸菌において細胞内ポリリン酸とタンパク合成の関連性に関して解析した。大腸菌からリボゾームを精製すると、その同一画分にポリリン酸が検出された。また、精製したリボゾームの70S,50S,30Sサブユニットともに長鎖及び短鎖ポリリン酸と同程度の結合活性を示した。またポリリン酸はリボゾームのタンパク質部分に特異的に結合しているようであった。細胞内ポリリン酸をほとんど含まないppk1変異株では、活性型リボゾームで構成されているポリゾーム画分の存在比が野生型に比べて少なかった。しかしながら、翻訳活性自体には有意な差は検出できなかった。おもしろいことに、変異株から精製したリボゾームはpoly-U RNAからのポリフェニルアラニンの合成において、誤ったアミノ酸を挿入する率が野生型の3倍程度高かった。これらの結果から、細胞内ポリリン酸はリボゾームに結合し、その活性効率を調節する働きをもつと考えられる。
Residues Crucial for Maintaining Short Paths in Network Communication Mediate Signaling in Proteins
Antonio del Sol, Hirotomo Fujihashi, Dolors Amoros, Ruth Nussinov (Basic Research Program SAIC-Frederick, Inc.,Laboratory of Experimental and Computational Biology、National Cancer Institute)
Molecular Systems Biology
Epub: May 2 (2006)
The representation of protein structures as residue interacting networks, which are assumed to involve a permanent flow of information between amino acids, has proven to be useful in a number of studies related to protein function and folding. Here, we use the aforementioned representation and by removal of nodes from the protein network, we identify fold centrally-conserved residues, which are crucial for sustaining the shortest pathways and thus play key roles in long-range interactions. We carried out a study of seven well-characterized protein families (myoglobins, G-protein-coupled receptors, the trypsin class of serine proteases, hemoglobins, oligosaccharide phosphorylases, nuclear receptor ligand-binding domains and retroviral proteases) and results show that experimentally many of these residues are important for allosteric communication. The correspondence between the centrally conserved residues which are key in preserving short path lengths and residues experimentally suggested to mediate signaling, further illustrates that topology plays an important role in network communication. Evolution has led to a robust architecture of proteins, with an extraordinary tolerance to mutations at many sites, and an extreme sensitivity to some substitutions at others. This robustness to environmental perturbations is crucial for protein function. On the other hand, robustness is accompanied by an extreme sensitivity at some crucial sites. Thus, here we propose that centrally conserved residues whose removal increases the characteristic path length in protein networks, may relate to the system fragility.
KEMRI/JICA業績集 (2006)
FRが1996年から5年計画で始まったJICAプロジェクトに参画する事になった。このプ ロジェクトは、ケニアにおける感染症対策に関するもので、HIV抗体試薬の自国調製 を可能にするために、その製造技術を指導することがFRの主題となった。FRは、研究 者を現地の研究所(ケニア中央医学研究所:KEMRI)に派遣して技術指導を行うとと もに、KEMRIからカウンターパートをFR研究所に受け入れて技術指導を行った。この 結果、KEMRIで調製されたHIV抗体試薬は、ケニア保健省からスクリーニング試薬とし て承認された。
Comparison of serum high-molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin with total adiponectin concentrations in type 2 diabetic patients with coronary artery disease using a novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect HMW adiponectin.
Aso Y,Yamamoto R, Wakabayashi S, Uchida T, Takayanagi K, Takebayashi K, Okuno T, Inoue T, Node K, Tobe T, Inukai T, Nakano Y (Dokkyo Medical University)
Diabetes 2006 Jul; 55(7): 1954-1960
Residue centrality, functionally important residues and active site shape: analysis of enzyme and non-enzyme families
Antonio del Sol, Hirotomo Fujihashi, Dolors Amoros, Ruth Nussinov (SAIC-Frederick, Inc.,Laboratory of Experimental and Computational Biology、National Cancer Institute)
Protein Science 2006 Sep; 15(9): 2120-2128
Protein structures can be represented as small-world networks, where the amino acids are the vertices and their interactions are the edges. The search for the network topological determinants may relate to important residues for folding or function. One important topological characteristic is residue centrality, which detect residues either interacting directly, or close to all other amino acids in the structures of most family members. Residue centrality can be viewed as a family fold characteristic, in identifying functionally important residues in protein families. To pursue this goal, we compiled a set of 46 protein families including a wide variety of biological cases, including 29 enzyme and 17 non-enzyme families. 80% of these central positions corresponded to active site residues or residues in direct contact with these sites. For enzyme families this percentage increased to 91%, while for non-enzyme families the percentage decreased substantially to 48%. 70% of these central positions are located in catalytic sites in the enzyme families, 64% are in hetero-atom binding sites in those families binding hetero-atoms, and only 16% belong to protein-protein interfaces in families with protein-protein interactions data. These differences reflect the active site shape: enzyme active sites locate in surface clefts; hetero-atom binding residues are in deep cavities, while protein-protein interactions involve a more planar configuration. Indeed, our results indicate that most central residues form clusters with functional amino acids located in cavities or clefts. On the other hand, not all surface cavities or clefts are comprised of central residues. Residue centrality, as a topological characteristic of the protein fold, is more conserved than the sequence in protein families. This manifests the robustness of protein structures.
医学と薬学 56(3):463-471,2006 2006年9月号
ルミパルスPresto II(全自動化学発光酵素免疫測定システム)を用いたペプシノゲン I、ペプシノゲン II 測定試薬の基礎的検討
三木一正, 瓜田純久(東邦大学), 森山和重, 北嶋幸子
医学と薬学 56(6):889-896,2006 2006年12月号
全自動化学発光酵素免疫測定システム「ルミパルスPresto II」を用いる「ルミパルスプレスト ペプシノゲン I」および「ルミパルスプレスト ペプシノゲン II」試薬は、感度、再現性、既存製品との相関性などにおいて充分な製品性能を有することが確認できた。これらのことから、本試薬は胃癌高リスク群の胃粘膜関連疾患の検査に適用可能であるとともに、集団検診における多数検体の迅速スクリーニングにも適していると考えられる。